Former PhD Projects



PhD Student


The dissertation project examines the supportive needs of family caregivers of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a terminal neurodegenerative disease. The perspective of caregivers provides the starting point to improve support for carers and patients across all domains: practical, informational, psychological, spiritual, and ethical.

PD Dr. Tenzin Wangmo

Christopher Poppe


Advancing SMart solutions and eliminating barriers for the Acquisition, Analysis, and Sharing of Health data in Switzerland [SMAASH]: Precision Medicine in the era of Big Data: this project aims to advance precision medicine in Switzerland, by having at its core the identification of barriers and facilitators to harmonized health data collection and sharing, while addressing associated issues of informed consent, privacy, confidentiality and public trust arising from big data analytics.

Prof. Bernice S. Elger and PD Dr. Tenzin Wangmo

Lester Darryl Geneviève



Ethical and legal regulation of Big Data research – towards a sensible and efficient use of electronic health records and social media data: Our dissertation is part of the NRP 75 – Big Data of the SNSF investigating societal and ethical challenges of research using the rapidly growing use of Big Data technologies. Big Data research that involves human subject is still unregulated and it calls for the development of a comprehensive framework that will promote effective and ethical big data research.

Prof. Bernice S. Elger and Dr. David Shaw

Christophe Oliver Schneble

Maddalena Favaretto



Agequake in prisons – second part: Mental health care and forensic evaluation of aging prisoners and persons serving security measures in Switzerland: In our dissertation project at Basel University, we investigate the mental health of older offenders. We are particularly interested in different approaches of mental health care provision in correctional settings and the specific needs of the older offender population.

PD Dr. Tenzin Wangmo

Sophie Haesen

Helene Merkt

Arnaud Benjamin Imber



Genetic Testing: Factors Influencing Public Interest and Attitudes: For her dissertation, Bettina Zimmermann investigates factors influencing public interest and attitudes towards genetics. She does so by assessing the public debates using media content analyses, and by interviewing people attending genetic counseling sessions for heritable disease risks about their reasons, attitudes and information strategies.

Prof. Bernice S. Elger and Dr. David Shaw

Bettina Zimmermann



Respect for patient self-determination as quality indicator in palliative care: current state, problems and solutions in acute care hospitals: With a background Biomedicine, Milenko is a third year PhD candidate at the IBMB. Additionally, he is finishing a Master in Health Promotion at the Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences. Milenko’s PhD project focuses on self-determination of palliative care patients.

Prof. Bernice S. Elger and Dr. Isabelle Wienand

Milenko Rakic



Vulnerable persons in biomedical research. Reflections in European law: Éloïse Gennet is examining the European legal framework on vulnerable people and clinical trials. Drawing from international research ethics guidelines and ethics literature, she is critically analysing and comparing the protection from the Council of Europe and from the European Union through the stimulating lens of the concept of vulnerability.

Bernice S. Elger (University of Basel), Reto Kressig (University of Basel/Felix Platter Spital), Estelle Brosset (University of Aix-Marseille, France)

Eloïse Gennet



Assistive Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Dementia and Age-Related Cognitive Decline

Prof. Bernice S. Elger and Prof. Fabrice Jotterand

Marcello Ienca



Ethics of Surveillance Data Use

Prof. Bernice S. Elger and PD Dr. Tenzin Wangmo

Evelyn Anane-Sarpong



Education and its effect on the autonomy of women’s reproductive rights

Prof. Bernice S. Elger and PD Dr. Tenzin Wangmo

Chitu Omodu W. Princewill



Challenging our intuitions about the moral status of non-human animals with experimental philosophy

Prof. Bernice S. Elger and Dr. David M. Shaw

Kirsten Persson



Attitudes and motives concerning end-of-life decisions: competency and autonomy of children and adolescents in paediatric oncology: Michael Rost completed his PhD in 2018. Employing quantitative and qualitative methods, his doctoral work has investigated the process of shared decision-making regarding palliative care in pediatric oncology. He is now a postdoctoral researcher at the IBMB.

Prof. Bernice S. Elger and Dr. Eva De Clercq

Michael Rost



Attitudes and motives concerning end-of-life decisions: competency and autonomy of children and adolescents in paediatric oncology

Prof. Bernice S. Elger and PD Dr. Tenzin Wangmo

Katharina Ruhe



Ethical issues of cutting edge biotechnology: Embedded interdisciplinary risk benefit evaluation of first-in-human trials in synthetic biology and nanomedicine

Prof. Bernice S. Elger and Dr. David M. Shaw

Priya Satalkar



Comparative study in adolescent oncofertility decision making: Adolescent oncofertility decision making in Israel and Switzerland.

Prof. Bernice S. Elger,  PD Dr. Tenzin Wangmo and Prof. Vardit Ravitsky

Dorit Barlevy



Agequake in prisons: Reality, policies and practical solutions concerning custody and health care for ageing prisoners in Switzerland

Prof. Bernice S. Elger,  PD Dr. Tenzin Wangmo and Dr. Violet F. Handtke

Wiebke Bretschneider



Agequake in prisons: Reality, policies and practical solutions concerning custody and health care for ageing prisoners in Switzerland

Prof. Bernice S. Elger and PD Dr. Tenzin Wangmo

Violet Fleur Handtke



Competency and Autonomy of Children and Adolescents in Pediatric Oncology decision making processes. Comparative research study between Switzerland and Romania

Prof. Bernice S. Elger and PD Dr. Tenzin Wangmo

Domniţa Oana Bădărău



How to decide who decides - Membership rules and organisational frameworks in university ethics committees and their influence on ethical decision making

Prof. Bernice S. Elger and Dr. Corinna Jung

Ina Otte



Banking together: sharing biological samples among Swiss researchers

Prof. Bernice S. Elger and Dr. Heidi C. Howard

Flora Colledge



Open Disclosure

Prof. Bernice S. Elger and

Stuart R. Mc Lennan



BAG-Tabakfonds: Weniger Rauch im Gefängnis

Prof. Bernice S. Elger

Catherine Ritter



Ethical issues of cutting edge biotechnology: Embedded interdisciplinary risk benefit evaluation of first-in-human trials in synthetic biology and nanomedicine. The ethical challenges of translational research with stable patients

Prof. Dr. Bernice Simone Elger

Rebecca Nast