CV of Yi Jiao (Angelina) Tian

Angelina has been working at the IBMB since September 2021 both as a Ph.D. Student and a Research Assistant, primarily on the RESOURCE [Smart Homes, Older Adults, and Caregivers: Facilitating Social Acceptance and Negotiating Responsibilities] Project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) with PD Dr. Tenzin Wangmo and Ms. Nadine Felber. Angelina has obtained a MSc. in Bioethics from King’s College London (UK) as well as a B.A. in Economics and Psychology from McGill University (Canada). Her Ph.D. dissertation will be titled “Ethics of caregiving at a distance: opportunities and barriers of smart home technologies for elderly parents of immigrant children in small families” and is funded jointly by the SNF and the Institute of Medical Ethics (UK). Her research interests lie mostly in an intersection of many topics, such as culture and immigration, well-being of older persons, smart home technologies, clinical ethics, and end-of-life decision-making. Angelina has recently published her first peer-reviewed paper on triage committees and clinical ethics. As part of her Ph.D project, she will conduct systematic reviews, qualitative and quantitative methodology, along with theoretical argumentation.

Prior to working in academia, Angelina has held roles in human resource consulting and marketing and is thus comfortable conducting extensive interviews and organizing conferences. She is Canadian and a native speaker in Mandarin Chinese and English, while making her life’s purpose to become fluent in French and German.

Find the full CV here.



Tian, Y.J. (The Ethical Unjustifications of COVID-19 Triage Committees. Bioethical Inquiry 18, 621–628 (2021).