RESOURCE Winter School

The organizers of this workshop are:
  1. Ms. Yi Jiao (Angelina) Tian, PhD Candidate, Institute for Biomedical Ethics, University of Basel, working on SNSF NRP-77 Project: Smart Home Technologies and Caring for Older Persons.
  2. Ms. Nadine Felber, PhD Candidate, Institute for Biomedical Ethics, University of Basel, working on SNSF NRP-77 Project: Smart Home Technologies and Caring for Older Persons.
  3. PD Dr. Tenzin Wangmo, Senior Researcher, Institute for Biomedical Ethics, University of Basel, Principle Investigator SNSF NRP-77 Project: Smart Home Technologies and Caring for Older Persons.

RESOURCE Winter School

This Block Course aims to present and discuss ethical issues that arise in the context of old age, aging, caregiving and (medical) innovation. International scholars share results of their research evolving around questions such as: What role does well-being play in the older ages? How can people with cognitive decline participate in research? When and how is it right to extend one’s lifespan? Among these questions and many more, scholars of the university of Basel are presenting their research on aged prisoners as well as new technologies in aged care and their impact on caregivers and care recipients. 

This course is open to all students interested in learning more about biomedical ethics evolving around the topic of aged care. Subscribed students will be asked to write a short essay about one of the ethical questions discussed during the Winter School.

Monday, 4th December 2023


Opening Address & Welcome

Ms. Nadine Felber, Institute for Biomedical Ethics (IBMB)


Ageing and Well-Being: The U Curve of Happiness

Prof. Christopher Wareham, Utrecht University, the Netherlands

11:30- 12:30

Catastrophic health expenditure and mental health in the older Chinese population: the moderating role of social health insurance

Prof. Wei Yang, King’s College London, UK




The RESOURCE Project: What We’ve Learned

PD Dr. Tenzin Wangmo, IBMB, Switzerland


Robots for Older Adults and Ethical Considerations

Prof. Sabina Misoch, Institute for Ageing Research IAF, Switzerland




Ethical and participatory aspects of developing and assessing assistive technologies for dementia care

Prof. SilkeSchicktanz, University of Göttingen, Germany


Discussions and Wrap Up Day 1 (Nadine)


Tuesday, 5 th December 2023


Day 1 Recap: Welcome for Day 2

Ms. Yi Jiao Angelina Tian, Institute for Biomedical Ethics (IBMB)


The Ethics of Supporting Life-Span Extension – For or Against Ageing

Prof. Hans-JörgEhni, University of Tübingen, Germany


Ethical and Philosophical Aspects of the Pathologizationof Aging

Prof. Martina Schmidhuber, University of Graz, Austria




Cultural Treads: Family’s Embrace in the Weave of Chinese Palliative Care

Ms. Shengyu Zhao, University of Bristol, UK

14:00 –15:00

Gerontechnologiesand care phases: Secondary analysis of qualitative interviews

Dr. Andrea Martani, IBMB, Switzerland




Mental Health of Older Incarcerated Adults

Dr. Helene Seaward, IBMB, Switzerland


Discussions and Wrap Up School (Angelina)