/ Events

Research colloquium 'Basel Animal Ethics Reunions BAER'

The Philosophy Department of the University of Basel, together with the IBMB, is organising the BAER this Autumn.
Kirubel receives price

/ Other

Congratulations to Kirubel Mussie for winning the Science Speed Talks 2022

Kirubel Mussie, one of our PhD students, won an international 3-minute science speed talk competition held at the Geneva Health Forum 2022.

/ Doctorate/PhD

2 PhD Opportunities at the IBMB, starting Fall 2022 or Spring 2023

Two PhD positions are currently available at the IBMB. Find more information here. 

/ Events

Online-Ringvorlesung „Ethische Herausforderungen der IT“ am 25.05.22

The Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT) is inviting all students to an online event about the ethical challenges in IT.

/ Events

Symposium in honor of Prof. P. J. Meier-Abt: A Culture of Collaboration

The University of Basel, together with the Research Ethics Committee of the Canton of Zurich, the University of Zurich and swissethics, invites you to an international scientific symposium.

/ Research, Studies

New Publication: Re-focusing explainability in medicine

Laura Arbelaez Ossa, Georg Starke, Giorgia Lorenzini, Julia E Vogt, David M Shaw1 and Bernice Simone Elger

/ Research, Studies

New Publication: Machine learning applications in healthcare and the role of informed consent: Ethical and practical considerations

Giorgia Lorenzini , David Martin Shaw, Laura Arbelaez Ossa and Bernice Simone Elger1,

/ Events

Join our online-event “Building a career in biomedicine" on Thursday, 24.03.22, 18h30

We are inviting you to a session on 24th of March at 18:30 – 20:00 focusing on “Building a career in biomedicine". We have invited two very successful biomedical research leaders to give us a glimpse into their success and the challenges…

Dr. David Shaw's Interview with the NCCR Automation

In this interview, Dr. Davis Shaw explains why automation and ethics cannot be separated and what he plans to work on in the context of the NCCR Automation.

/ Events

Symposium "A Culture of Collaboration" 19.7.2022 - Save the Date

The University of Basel, together with the Research Ethics Committee of the Canton Zürich and swissethics, invites you to an international scientific symposium in honor of Prof. Peter Meier-Abt. It will take place on July 19, 2022 in Basel.


Institute for Biomedical Ethics
Bernoullistrasse 28 - 2nd Floor
4056 Basel

Tel: +41 61 207 17 86