Research colloquium 'Basel Animal Ethics Reunions BAER'

The Philosophy Department of the University of Basel, together with the IBMB, is organising the BAER this Autumn.

All sessions are on Mondays, 16.15-17.45, online on Zoom, maybe sometimes hybrid. 

This semester, we will have the pleasure of discussing the following topics: 

3.10.2022: Maude Ouellette-Dubé (Fribourg) – Discussion of the text “Friendship with Companion Animals" of Cynthia Townley’

17.10.2022: Nico Müller (Basel) – “Rational Hope for the Animal Rights Movement”

31.10.2022: Anna Wienhues (Zürich) – “Just Burden-Sharing in Unjust Conditions: Who picks up the tab for interspecies justice?”

14.11.2022: Matthias Eggel & Angela Martin (Basel) – “Improving Harm-Benefit Analysis in Animal Research with Limited Aggregation”

28.11.2022: Pablo Magaña Fernandez (Barcelona) – “Animals and Public Justification”

Everyone is welcome to join.
Prof. Martin will usually send the text to read as well as the Zoom-link one week before the event via email. If you want to unsubscribe, drop her an email ( If you know researchers who may be interested in joining (they do not necessarily need to be working at the University of Basel), please spread the news about this Colloquium.