Writing a Master's Thesis at the IBMB


We welcome masters students from the faculties of medicine and science interested in ethics related topics to contact us for prospective thesis supervision. We have supervised many masters thesis in the faculty of medicine on topics such as...

       Health of older persons in prisons

       End-of-life decision making

       Participation in pediatric oncology treatment choices

       Reproductive ethics

       Caring for older migrants with dementia

...to name a few.

Previous Master`s Theses


Fisnik HaziriThe legal and ethical scope of palliative care in Swiss Prisons2023Dr. Tenzin Wangmo
Sophia Mira EggliEthics issues in a “datafied” healthcare2022Dr. Tenzin Wangmo
Neomi HauriQuality of Life in Nursing Homes in Basel (CH) - Limitations Residents face and their Coping Strategies2020Dr. Tenzin Wangmo
Caroline WirzEvaluating domains of subjective well-being of nursing home residents in Basel, a qualitative interview study2019Dr. Tenzin Wangmo
Ziad KassemCorrectional institution designed to meet the needs of older prisoners – a qualitative study2020Dr. Tenzin Wangmo
Elaine AechesonPalliative care in Swiss pediatric oncology settings: a retrospective analysis of medical records2018Dr. Tenzin Wangmo
Luzia IseliEvaluating decision-making Capacity: challenges clinicians face in Switzerland2018Dr. Tenzin Wangmo
Matthias KokontisGründe und Faktoren des Sterbewunsches bei Palliative Care Patienten.2018Dr. phil. Isabelle Wienand & Milenko Rakic, M. Sc.
Bettina WelzPrescription of psychotropic drugs: Comparing the appropriateness of prescription to older and younger prisoners in Switzerland2017Dr. Tenzin Wangmo
Sirin HauriOlder prisoner's patterns of seeking primary health care.2016Dr. Tenzin Wangmo
Elisa BallyDie Rolle der Hausärzte in der Palliativmedizin. Was Angehörige eines Palliativpatienten vom Hausarzt erwarten.2015Prof. Dr. med. Bernice Elger & Dr. med. Klaus Bally
Nundsin Vanessa LhasamPalliative Care: Die Rolle der pflegenden Angehörigen am Lebensende - Belastungen, Unterstützung und Entlastungsmöglichkeiten.2015Dr. phil. Corinna Jung & Dr. sc. med. des Ina Otte, Dipl.-soz.
Alex MettrauxFamiliengespräche in der ambulanten Palliative Care. Ihre Bedeutung für Schweizer Haushalte.2014Dr. phil Corinna Jung & Dr. sc. med. des. Ina Otte, Dipl.-soz.
Martha Lena StampfliAgequake in prisons: A qualitative analysis of medication challenges in ageing prisoners in Switzerland.2014Prof. Bernice S. Elger & Dr. David Shaw
Seraina BallyTumor- und Nichttumorpatienten – haben sie gleichermassen Zugang zu Palliative Care? - eine qualitative Studie in Schweizerischen Hausarztpraxen.2014Prof. Bernice S. Elger & Dr. phil. Corinna Jung
Tabea MackVersorgung am Lebensende: Was Patienten wichtig ist.2014Dr. phil. Corinna Jung & Dr. sc. med. des. Ina Otte, Dipl. soz.
Serena GalliAssessment of and barriers to accessing medical services in Swiss prisons: Elderly prisoners’ perceptions.2013 - 2014Dr. David Martin Shaw
Martin DieboldSwiss Nurses’ Perspectives Regarding the Communication of Errors: A Qualitative Study.2013Prof. Bernice S. Elger & Dr. Stuart R. Mc Lennan
Anina PlessAttitudes of Healthcare Workers towards Influenza Vaccination and Enforced Measures to Increase Influenza Vaccination.2012 - 2013Prof. Bernice S. Elger & Dr. Stuart R. Mc Leannan