CV of Christian Rodriguez
Christian Rodriguez Perez is a PhD student and research assistant currently working on the topic of animal experimentation and the 3Rs principle using empirical animal ethics approaches. Since 2024, he has been a member of the cantonal commission on animal experimentation in Fribourg (Switzerland). In 2018, he graduated with a Master’s degree in Philosophy at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) with a thesis combining animal ethics and population ethics to analyze the use of animals in farming. He also studied Social Sciences in the program Culture, Politics and Religion in Pluralist Societies at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). Since then, his career has focused on animal ethics, population ethics, and methods in empirical animal ethics as well as in experimental philosophy. Between 2017 and 2022 he worked as a teacher in public school and high school in Biel-Bienne (Switzerland).
Stations of work:
Christian Rodriguez Perez is working as a PhD student and research assistant at the Institute for Biomedical Ethics (IBMB) at the University of Basel. He is currently involved in the SNSF funded project "EXPLOR3R: Exploring 3R with Experimental Ethics" as part of the National Research Program NRP79 "Advancing 3R".
Christian Rodriguez
Assistant / PhD candidate (Institut für Bio- und Medizinethik)
Bernoullistrasse 28