Welcome to the Institute for Biomedical Ethics
The Institute for Biomedical Ethics at the University of Basel (IBMB) is a vibrant centre for research on and teaching about ethical issues in medicine and the biosciences. The Institute was founded in 2011 and is affiliated with both the Science and Medical Faculties at the University of Basel – a unique situation for an ethics institute in Switzerland.
The IBMB has over a dozen PhD students and a team of senior researchers and post-docs working on a wide variety of projects in biomedical ethics. The IBMB’s researchers are committed to an interdisciplinary endeavour aimed at finding ethical solutions to dilemmas raised by both new and traditional practices in biomedical ethics, including cutting-edge technologies, organ donation, palliative care, and research in developing countries, to name only a few. Our research combines empirical fieldwork, including interviews with stakeholders and members of the public, and normative, theoretical analysis. IBMB researchers have won several grants from the SNF, SAMW and other major funders and frequently publish in major bioethics, medical and science journals.
IBMB members are also highly involved in teaching, providing ethics courses for undergraduate students and postgraduate scientists and doctors. A variety of courses are open to the public, including the twice-yearly “Contemporary Issues in Bioethics” lecture series that integrates a lively dialogue with visiting speakers.
If you are interested in collaborating with us, are looking for a PhD student or post-doc job, need ethical input on your own project, or would like us to provide ethics related courses/workshops for your students or research team, please get in touch with us!
Interview with Dr. David Shaw: "Everyone has a responsibility to protect others from the virus"
In his interview with Bajour, Dr. David Shaw discusses responsibility with regards to the Covid vaccine.New manuscript by Andrea Martani, Marta Tomasi, and Carlo Casonato: RE: “I think it’s been met with a shrug:” Oncologists’ views toward and experiences with Right-to-Try
At first sight, ‘Right-to-Try’ legislation seems to promise unconstrained access to experimental drugs. But is this really the case? For a reflection on the distance between ‘law-in-books’ and ‘law-in-action’ check this brief contribution…Ten simple rules to fight fake news during the Coronavirus pandemic
"Coronavirus and our duty to fight fake news: 10 simple rules", a new contribution to the Journal of Medical Ethics Blog by Dr. David Shaw./ Research, Studies
New article: First do no harm: An exploration of researchers’ ethics of conduct in Big Data behavioral studies by Maddalena Favaretto, Dr. Eva De Clercq, Prof. Jens Gaab and Prof. Bernice Elger
Research ethics has traditionally been guided by well-established documents such as the Belmont Report and the Declaration of Helsinki. At the same time, the introduction of Big Data methods, that is having a great impact in behavioral…Contact

Institute for Biomedical Ethics
Bernoullistrasse 28 - 2nd Floor
4056 Basel
Tel: +41 61 207 17 86