- The concept of social dignity as a yardstick to delimit ethical use of robotic assistance in the care of older persons by Felber NA, Pageau F, McLean A, Wangmo T., March 2022
- A new enemy in the old home?: how smart homes will change the experience of home for the elderly by Felber NA, Alavi H, October 2022
- Publication in the Swiss Magazine "Gerontologie.CH" (Dank Roboter zuhause bleiben?), by Felber NA, Pageau F, June 2022
- Mentions of our study for recruitment purposes in the VASOS FARES Newsletter and Alzheimer Schweiz beider Basel
- How to Design Smart Homes for Older Persons -The Somatic Capability Assessment as an Answer to Current Design Challenges: presented at the Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Society Conference (AIES), August 1-3, 2022 in Oxford, UK
- How to ensure that the smart home stays a true home: Somatic design suggestions to ensure familiarity, stability and privacy for older residents: Will be presented at the EACME Annual Conference: Enhancing Dialogue to Bridge the Gaps in Bioethics, September 15-17, Varese, IT
- Ethical concerns in smart home technologies for caregiving purposes - a systematic review: Will be presented at the EACME Annual Conference: Enhancing Dialogue to Bridge the Gaps in Bioethics, September 15-17, Varese, IT