Welcome to the Institute for Biomedical Ethics

The Institute for Biomedical Ethics at the University of Basel (IBMB) is a vibrant centre for research on and teaching about ethical issues in medicine and the biosciences. The Institute was founded in 2011 and is affiliated with both the Science and Medical Faculties at the University of Basel – a unique situation for an ethics institute in Switzerland.

The IBMB has over a dozen PhD students and a team of senior researchers and post-docs working on a wide variety of projects in biomedical ethics. The IBMB’s researchers are committed to an interdisciplinary endeavour aimed at finding ethical solutions to dilemmas raised by both new and traditional practices in biomedical ethics, including cutting-edge technologies, organ donation, palliative care, and research in developing countries, to name only a few. Our research combines empirical fieldwork, including interviews with stakeholders and members of the public, and normative, theoretical analysis. IBMB researchers have won several grants from the SNF, SAMW and other major funders and frequently publish in major bioethics, medical and science journals.

IBMB members are also highly involved in teaching, providing ethics courses for undergraduate students and postgraduate scientists and doctors. A variety of courses are open to the public, including the twice-yearly “Contemporary Issues in Bioethics” lecture series that integrates a lively dialogue with visiting speakers.

If you are interested in collaborating with us, are looking for a PhD student or post-doc job, need ethical input on your own project, or would like us to provide ethics related courses/workshops for your students or research team, please get in touch with us!

New PhD Opportunity at the IBMB

Please find the PDF with more information below.

International Online Course to become Facilitator Moral Case Deliberation

The Department of Ethics, Law and Humanities of Amsterdam UMC is offering an online course around moral case deliberation. You can apply until February 1st 2023 and the course starts in April. For more information, please consult the PDF…

Research colloquium 'Basel Animal Ethics Reunions BAER'

The Philosophy Department of the University of Basel, together with the IBMB, is organising the BAER this Autumn.
Kirubel receives price

Congratulations to Kirubel Mussie for winning the Science Speed Talks 2022

Kirubel Mussie, one of our PhD students, won an international 3-minute science speed talk competition held at the Geneva Health Forum 2022.

2 PhD Opportunities at the IBMB, starting Fall 2022 or Spring 2023

Two PhD positions are currently available at the IBMB. Find more information here. 

Online-Ringvorlesung „Ethische Herausforderungen der IT“ am 25.05.22

The Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT) is inviting all students to an online event about the ethical challenges in IT.

Symposium in honor of Prof. P. J. Meier-Abt: A Culture of Collaboration

The University of Basel, together with the Research Ethics Committee of the Canton of Zurich, the University of Zurich and swissethics, invites you to an international scientific symposium.

New Publication: Re-focusing explainability in medicine

Laura Arbelaez Ossa, Georg Starke, Giorgia Lorenzini, Julia E Vogt, David M Shaw1 and Bernice Simone Elger

New Publication: Machine learning applications in healthcare and the role of informed consent: Ethical and practical considerations

Giorgia Lorenzini , David Martin Shaw, Laura Arbelaez Ossa and Bernice Simone Elger1,

Join our online-event “Building a career in biomedicine" on Thursday, 24.03.22, 18h30

We are inviting you to a session on 24th of March at 18:30 – 20:00 focusing on “Building a career in biomedicine". We have invited two very successful biomedical research leaders to give us a glimpse into their success and the challenges…
Bernoullistrasse 20

Contact and Address of the
Institute for Biomedical Ethics
Bernoullistrasse 28 - 2nd Floor
4056 Basel

Tel: +41 61 207 17 86