CV of Prof. Dr. Silvia Salardi
Expertise/Research fields: Silvia Salardi (PHD, dr. jur., Assistant Professor) is legal philosopher and bioethicists at the University of Milano-Bicocca where she teaches Bioethics and Biolaw for law students of the School of law. She is also Academic coordinator of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module ‘Moral’technologies and ethical-legal challenges of new subjectivities co-financed by the European Union ( Her research interests range from analytical legal philosophy (analysis of legal concepts, analysis of legal language, discrimination) to bioethical and bio-legal issues (genetics, end-of life, experimentation with humans, data protection, human enhancement etc.).
Main publications 2017: Francesca Preite, Silvia Salardi, Simona Villani, Rosaria Gesuita, Paolo Trerotoli, Vincenzo Guardabasso (2017), The new European Regulation on personal data protection: significant aspects for data processing for scientific research purposes, in EPBH (Epidemiology, biostatistics and public health), 2017, 14:2, DOI:; Silvia Salardi (2017) (giugno), Le biobanche, in Trattato di Diritto e Bioetica, a cura di Alessandra Cagnazzo, cap. XVIII, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, con la collaborazione di “officina familiae”, pp. 479-496, ISBN 978-88-495-3325-5; Silvia Salardi (2017), Legal Responsibility in the current scientific scenario. Some critical remarks upon Alessia Farano’s paper “Responsibility and practical reason: a dialogical perspective”, in Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto RIFD, 1, pp. 15-29; Silvia Salardi (2017), Il ritorno della diseguaglianza biologica, in Federalismi. it; Silvia Salardi 2017, Fundamental rights and ‘moral’ technologies: the legal status of moral claims to ‘moral enhancement’ by means of cognitive enhancement in the European legal system, Humanidades & Technologia Em Revista FACULDADE DO NOROESTE DE MINAS - FINOM - PARACATU- MG, FINOM, Brasil, AnnoXI, vol. 11, pp. 19-38,; Silvia Salardi (2017), Destined to be super human?Moral bioenhancement and its legal viability, in Rivista di Biodiritto/Biolaw Journal, n. 3/2017, pp. 87-101.
Memberships: Associate Member of Center for the Study of Bioethics, Belgrade, Serbia,;Member of the editorial board of the Journal
„Biodiritto, Rivista interdisciplinare di bioetica e diritto“, Aracne Publishing; Member of the editorial board of the book series „I Quaderni di Biodiritto“, Aracne Publishing; Founding member of the scientific Committe of the Association „Accanto onlus Amici dell’Hospice di San Martino“, Como, Italy; Member of the International Forum of Teachers (IFT) of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics; Member of Committee for the End-of life, CEF (Committee for the End-of life),; Member of Committe of the Master in Sports Law and Labour relations in sports Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca; Member of the editorial board (Conselho Editorial) of “Humanidades & Technologia Em Revista”, journal of the Faculdade do Noroeste de Minas-FINOM, Brasil; Member of the editorial board (Conselho Editorial) of “ALTUS CIÊNCIA”, Revista Acadêmica Multidisciplinar da Faculdade Cidade de João Pinheiro-FCJP, Brasil; Elsi Expert, in Elsi Expert Database managed by BBMRI-ERIC (Biobanking and biomolecular resources research infrastructure-European Research Infrastructure Consortium); Member of the Group ELSI of concerning ‘requirements of good practice for ethical evaluation of research biobanking’
Prof. Dr. Silvia Salardi
University of Milano-Bicocca,
Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo 1 / Building U6 / Room 2034
I-20126 Milano-Bicocca
Tel: 0039 02 644 840 27