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Ethiksymposium Futility in der Psychiatrie
Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Wie in den somatischen Fächern stellen sich Fachpersonen in der Psychiatrie Fragen zu Futility (dt. etwa Wirkungslosigkeit, Aussichtslosigkeit, Nutzlosigkeit). Das kann das Gefühl sein, dass eine…/ Events
Ethikforum am Mittag
Mitarbeitende von USB, UPK, UAFP, UKBB, Claraspital und den Solothurner Spitälern (soH) sind herzlich zum kommenden Ethikforum am Mittag eingeladen: Date mit einem Sexualstraftäter? Schweigepflicht und Schutz Dritter Cornelia Meier,…/ Events
Upcoming RESOURCE Expert Workshop on Caregiving for Older Persons
With support from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) and the Institute for Medical Ethics (UK), it is with great pleasure to announce our second expert workshop for the RESOURCE project: "Technologies for Older Persons: Proximate…/ Research, Studies
Latest Article by Giorgia Lorenzini, Laura Arbelaez Ossa, David Shaw and Bernice Elger
On March 25, 2023 IBMB members Giorgia Lorenzini, Laura Arbelaez Ossa, David Martin Shaw and Bernice Simone Elger published the Article: "Artificial intelligence and the doctor–patient relationship expanding the paradigm of shared decision…/ Research, Studies
New publications of our PhD candidate Caterina Montagnoli
Maternal mental health and reproductive outcomes: a scoping review of the current literature, Montagnoli, C., Zanconato, G., Cinelli, G. et al. Arch Gynecol Obstet 302, 801–819 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00404-020-05685-1 Anything…/ Other
New grant awarded from Käthe Zingg-Schwichtenberg Fund
Dr. Michael Rost has been awarded funding from the Käthe Zingg-Schwichtenberg Fund for his project: moral distress among Swiss midwives: “Towards the alleviation of moral distress among Swiss midwives: Examining extent, determinants, and…Last Call: International Online Course to become Facilitator Moral Case Deliberation
The Department of Ethics, Law and Humanities of Amsterdam UMC is offering an online course around moral case deliberation. You can apply until February 1st 2023 and the course starts in April. For more information, please consult the PDF…/ Research, Studies
New Debate Article by Giorgia Lorenzini, David Shaw and Bernice Elger
"It takes a pirate to know one: ethical hackers for healthcare cybersecurity"/ Doctorate/PhD
New PhD Opportunity at the IBMB
Please find the PDF with more information below.International Online Course to become Facilitator Moral Case Deliberation
The Department of Ethics, Law and Humanities of Amsterdam UMC is offering an online course around moral case deliberation. You can apply until February 1st 2023 and the course starts in April. For more information, please consult the PDF…Contact

Institute for Biomedical Ethics
Bernoullistrasse 28 - 2nd Floor
4056 Basel
Tel: +41 61 207 17 86