/ Other

Award: Prix de droit européen, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Aix-Marseille University, France

PhD prize in European law for the best thesis on a topic related to European Union law or European law. Title: VULNERABLE PEOPLE AND CLINICAL TRIALS Reflections on European law.  Dr. Éloïse Gennet.  

/ Research, Studies

New publication: Palliative care initiation in pediatric oncology patients: A systematic review

Brian T. Cheng; Michael Rost; Eva De Clercq; Louisa Arnold; Bernice S. Elger; Tenzin Wangmo

Studie zum Unterstützungsbedarf von pflegenden Angehörigen

Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojekts an der Universität Basel werden pflegende Angehörige und Freunde von an ALS erkrankten Personen zu ihrem Unterstützungsbedarf interviewt. Für das Projekt werden noch Teilnehmende gesucht, die sich derzeit…

/ Events

Symposium: Ethical Issues in Big Data Research, 29. November 2018

Big Data is increasingly used in science, the humanities and medicine and to generate novel evidence based findings across multiple disciplines. However, research using big data also raises important ethical questions. The aim of the…

/ Continuing Education, Events

IBMB Interdisciplinary Bioethics School, 16.-18. October 2018

The workshop is open to all interested persons. Please register at tenzin.wangmo@unibas.ch Flyer Bioethics School 2018

/ Other

Förderpreis der Josef und Luise Kraft-Stiftung München, "Menschenrechte und Ethik in der Medizin für Ältere", 2018

The award (second prize) has been attributed to PD Dr. Tenzin Wangmo, Dr. Violet Handtke, Dr. Wiebke Bretschneider and Prof.  Dr. Bernice Elger from IBMB for their research on „Menschenrechte und Ethik: Die Gesundheitsversorgung von älteren…

/ Continuing Education, Events

IBMB Interdisciplinary Bioethics School, 16.-18. October 2018

  The workshop is open to all interested persons. Please register at tenzin.wangmo@unibas.ch Flyer Bioethics School 2018

/ Events

Symposium: Ethical Issues in Big Data Research, 29. November 2018

Big Data is increasingly used in science, the humanities and medicine and to generate novel evidence based findings across multiple disciplines. However, research using big data also raises important ethical questions. The aim of the…

/ Research, Studies

New article: A scoping review of empirical evidence on the impacts of the DRG introduction in Germany and Switzerland

Insa Koné, Bettina Maria Zimmermann, Karin Nordström, Bernice Simone Elger, Tenzin Wangmo Published 13. November 2018 The International Journal of Health Planning and Management Summary Context Germany and Switzerland have introduced…

/ Other

PhD Dissertation Award - Academic Year 2016/17. Medical Feaculty, University of Basel, September 201: Dr. Priya Satalkar

Title of dissertation: "Challenges of translational research in cutting edge medical technology: A case of first-in-human (FIH) trials ofmedical applications of nanotechnology", Basel 2015


Institute for Biomedical Ethics
Bernoullistrasse 28 - 2nd Floor
4056 Basel

Tel: +41 61 207 17 86