CV of Dr. Nadia Pacurari
Research field: Dr. Nadia Pacurari has been a postdoc at the Institute for Biomedical Ethics since September 2015. She is part of the research teams working on palliative care in pediatric oncology and on respect for patient self-determination as quality indicator in palliative care. She is supporting the research teams especially with collecting data (from medical records and focus group interviews) especially in the French speaking part of Switzerland. Her postdoc project consists of a study on facilitating decision making in end-of-life, in the Swiss and Romanian pediatric oncology setting.
Nadia Pacurari is also trained in humanities (Romanian, English and French linguistics and literature) and has experience in qualitative and quantitative studies in linguistics. She has a PhD from the “Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj.
Main publications: Nadia Pacurari is a co-author of the literature review article called “Aligning guidelines and medical practice: Literature review on pediatric palliative care guidelines” (Cambridge University Press, 2017) and a co-author of two articles related to adult palliative care: “Dealing with burden in palliative care: Patients’, families’ and friends’ perspectives” (to be submitted to Supportive and Palliative Care) and “The variety of hope: findings in palliative care patients’ medical records” (Targeted Journal: Spiritual Care).

Nadia Pacurari
Research Fellow
Bernoullistrasse 28
4056 Basel
We at the IBMB are very sad to announce that our dear colleague Dr. Nadia Pacurari passed away in 2020. She will be remembered with fondness by all those who worked with her. She lives on in our memory through her work and publications.