Awards achieved by members of the Institute for Biomedical Ethics


  • Andrea Martani, award for oustanding dissertation 20-21, Award given by the Medical Faculty of the University of Basel for his thesis “The datafication of Swiss healthcare and biomedical research: ethical and legal issues and the way forward for health data governance”.


  • Marcello Ienca, Best Dissertation Award, Faculty of Medicine, University of Basel/Goldschmidt-Jacobson Stiftung


  • Paul Schotsmans Prize 2019, European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics (EACME), awarded during the annual EACME conference in Oxford for for best young researcher contribution goes to Georg Starke (PhD student IBMB).
  • 2019 Paul Wainwright Postgraduate Nursing Ethics Student Essay Prize goes to Christopher Poppe
  • ESHG Poster Award 2019 European Human Genetics Conference Gothenburg, Sweden. Poster Award 2019. For the conference poster “Most issues covered but not in their full complexity: a newspaper content analysis of ethical issues in predictive genetic testing”: Bettina Zimmermann
  • Prix de thèse Aix-Marseille Université 2018.  Eloïse Gennet ranked first within the legal faculty and obtained a PhD prize from Aix-Marseille University for her doctoral dissertation entitled "Vulnerable people and clinical trials. Reflexions in European law".
  • Prix Jean-Marie Auby 2019 goes to Eloïse Gennet. Every second year, the French Association for Health Law is awarding a PhD prize. Eloïse Gennet is one of the two PhD graduates to have been awarded the "Prix Jean-Marie Auby 2019" for her doctoral dissertation entitled "Vulnerable people and clinical trials. Reflexions in European law".

  • Prix de droit européen, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Aix-Marseille University, France. PhD prize in European law for the best thesis on a topic related to European Union law or European law. Title: VULNERABLE PEOPLE AND CLINICAL TRIALS Reflections on European law.  Dr. Éloïse Gennet.


  • Förderpreis der Josef und Luise Kraft-Stiftung München: Menschenrechte und Ethik in der Medizin für Ältere. Second prize for the project "Menschenrechte und Ethik: Die Gesundheitsversorgung von älteren inhaftierten Personen“, September 2018: Dr. Tenzin Wangmo, Dr. Violet Handtke, Dr. Wiebke Bretschneider, Prof. Dr. Dipl Theol. Bernice Elger
  • PhD Dissertation Award - Academic Year 2016/17. Medical Feaculty, University of Basel, September 201: Dr. Priya Satalkar
  •  Vontobel-Preis für Alter(n)sforschung 2018: Dr. Marcello Ienca and Dr. Tenzin Wangmo receive the prize for their research on "Intelligent Assistive Technology for Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias: A Systematic Review", (Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 56 (2017), 1301–1340), co-authors: Jotterand Fabrice, Bernice Elger, Maurizio Caon, Alessandro Scoccia Pappagallo & Reto W. Kressig




  • Emilie Louise Frey–Preis zur Förderung junger Wissenschaftlerinnen: Dr. Katharina Ruhe


  • PhD Dissertation Award – Academic Year 2014/2015. Medical Faculty Universität Basel: Dr. Stuart Mc Lennan, October 2016
  • KHM-Forschungspreis Hausarztmedizin: Essential Competencies in End-of-Life Care: a Cross-Sectional Survey. Stéphanie Giezendanner, Corinna Jung, Hans-Ruedi Banderet, Ina Carola Otte, Heike Gudat, Dagmar M. Haller, Bernice Simone Elger, Elisabeth Zemp, Klaus Bally, Liestal
  • Paul Schotsmans Prize, European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics (EACME), Leuven (Belgium) Achievement honored: Best Young Researcher Contribution: Marcello Ienca, September 8, 2016
  • ETH Zürich - Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF) Award. Achievement Honored: Best Poster Award Marcello Ienca. Conference: “Moral Technologies”, Monte Verità, Ascona (Switzerland) Date: July 17, 2016
  • “Paul Schotsmans prize 2016”  to Anna Genske (Research Unit Ethics, Universal Hospital Cologne) for her scientific contribution ‘“Prescription of Drugs: Yes, Dialysis: Maybe, Heart Surgery: No? Decision-Making Capacity and the Notion of Relativity in Dementia Patients - A Comparative Analysis in Medical Ethics and Law” 


    Marcello Ienca (Institute for Biomedical Ethics Basel) will receive a “second” prize, as both abstracts were quite close in our Daily Board selection, for his scientific contribution “Proactive Ethics for Empowering Technology: Critical Issues in Technological Innovation for Dementia Care”.