PhD Curriculum
The current PhD program consists of coursework and an original research project that leads to at least three first-authored publications in peer reviewed journals. The research work will pertain to the field of bioethics including research ethics, biotechnology, environmental ethics, biobanking, genetics, medical ethics, clinical ethics, ethics of nanoscience, public health ethics, social justice, and/or human rights. PhD candidates must complete core and elective courses equivalent to a minimum of 18 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) points (1 ECTS = 30 hours of work). Students are however encouraged to take additional coursework based on their specific research and educational needs. IBMB aims to offer an attractive selection of core and elective courses, with the support of local and international experts. The individual course plan is discussed and agreed on between each student and his/her PhD committee during the first year of the program.
Core courses (4 ECTS)
- Empirical research in bioethics
- Contemporary debates in bioethics
Recommended methods and statistics courses (2 – 6 ECTS)
- Applied statistics/biostatistics*
- Advanced research methods in biomedical ethics – specialized courses
- Other advanced courses in methods and statistics*
*Students have the opportunity to take these courses through relevant departments at the University.
Elective courses
- Biomedical ethics (3 ECTS)
- Research ethics (2 ECTS)
- Ethics in nursing science (3 ECTS)
- Public health ethics (2 ECTS)
- Environmental ethics (2 ECTS)
- Advanced thematic courses/retreats in biomedical ethics* (2 - 4 ECTS)
*These are student tailored advanced modules organized every year based on the research work conducted by current students and their needs.
The timeline of a PhD degree is as follows:
Year 1: Completion of coursework, Progress report delineating milestones achieved with respect to coursework and PhD research activities, PhD agreement.
Year 2: Complete additional coursework, as needed, Manuscript publication from PhD project. Research progress report, PhD agreement update.
Year 3: Research progress report, PhD agreement update. At least 3 peer-reviewed publications must be completed by the end of the PhD, PhD defense, Submission of PhD Thesis.

Dr Tenzin Wangmo
PhD Program Coordinator
Bernoullistrasse 28
4056 Basel
Tel: +41 61 207 17 87
Fax: +41 61 207 17 80