The PhD Program sets high standards for supervision. In line with the PhD regulation (Doktoratsordnungen) of the respective faculties at the University of Basel, the Program has fully implemented the following: every student must have a supervising PhD committee, including a main supervisor from the fields of (bio) ethics, health policy or legal medicine. Progress reports must be established and close supervision is provided to ensure high quality and timely process of the PhD theses.
Faculty of Medicine:
Faculty of Science:
PhD theses are co-supervised by an interdisciplinary committee of experts. Scholars with expertise in normative ethics will always be included in the committees. Projects with a life science perspective will typically include a scientist from the relevant sub-discipline. The rich scientific environment in the Basel and Zürich (two Universities and the ETH), including science faculties with a range of interested colleagues, facilitates the identification of appropriate expert co-supervisors. The primary supervisor and other committee members work closely with their students by helping them to continuously refine their research projects and encourage their students to publish their study results quickly in peer-reviewed journals with a high IF.The PhD Program has established a network of national and international colleagues from different disciplines who are interested in the PhD program and available to co-supervise students. These colleagues, represented on the PhD committees, are invited and have been present during student’s final PhD defense.In addition to targeted supervision provided for their PhD research work, students are also provided the opportunity to participate in grant writing and participate in peer-reviewing articles for journals. They are encouraged and supervised to present their findings at several national and international conferences and to network with leading scholars in the field through the many established collaborations of the Institute for Biomedical Ethics (IBMB).

Dr Tenzin Wangmo
PhD Program Coordinator
Bernoullistrasse 28
4056 Basel
Tel: +41 61 207 17 87
Fax: +41 61 207 17 80